
D.C., Maryland and Virginia Awarded $150 Million in UN Contracts in 2022  

In 2022, the District of Columbia, along with Maryland and Virginia, together secured more than $150 million in contracts from the United Nations. Virginia topped the list with $74 million in UN contracts, followed by $42 million for the District of Columbia, and $33 million for Maryland. Virginia and D.C. were among the top ten recipients of UN contracts across the U.S., according to exclusive data released by the Better World Campaign.  

Virginia realized a 27% gain in UN contracts compared to 2021, when the Commonwealth won $58 million in contracts. The U.S. was the largest supplier of goods and services to the UN worldwide, with total procurement exceeding a record $2.36 billion – more than the $2.1 billion the U.S. pays in dues to the UN.   

“It’s gratifying to see U.S. companies do well and do good by taking part in the UN’s lifesaving work,” said Peter Yeo, President of the Better World Campaign. “It’s just another example of the many benefits UN engagement brings to the U.S.”  

88% of contracts awarded to U.S. companies were $1 million or more. The top three sectors for U.S. company contracts were the Pharmaceutical sector, followed by Management/Administrative services and Engineering/Research. The U.S. also became the largest supplier of travel, food, and lodging services. 

More information on UN suppliers can be found at the UN Global Marketplace website.

See how UN procurement compares nationwide