FACT: The UN is a bargain for Americans.
Yes, we are the UN’s biggest donor, but the amount we give the UN makes up only 0.2% (yes, less than 1%) of our federal budget. Americans in the U.S. spend more than seven times more on Valentine’s Day than we do on our dues to the UN and UN Peacekeeping.
An American citizen spends more on ONE date night at the movies each year than the per capita cost of U.S. funds to the UN. By paying our dues on time and in full, other countries are encouraged to do the same – picking up 78% of the tab of UN regular dues.
That’s just looking at the economics. When it comes to work on the ground, we get even more from participating at the UN. Out of over 90,000 peacekeepers, the U.S. provides less than 100 people. And when emergencies strike, from natural disasters to famines to conflicts that force millions to flee their homes, it’s UN agencies that are on the front lines of the response, literally helping shelter, feed, and heal humans in need.