The United Nations works to create a more peaceful, secure, and healthy world. Help us make sure the U.S. continues to pay its bills to this life-saving organization.

Help Protect U.S. Funding for the UN
Send a note to your Members of Congress urging them to fully fund the United Nations and its agencies.
I am writing to express my support for fully funding our dues to the United Nations in Fiscal Year 2023.
The United Nations:
- Provides food aid to 80 million people in 80 countries
- Vaccinates 45 percent of the world’s children
- Assists over 68 million refugees and people fleeing war, famine, and persecution
- Keeps peace with over 90,000 UN Peacekeepers in 12 operations
- Fights extreme poverty, helping improve the lives of more than 1.1 billion people
While tough decisions must be made in this fiscal climate, working with the UN is a resoundingly good bargain for the U.S. As one of my elected leaders, I hope you will stand with your constituents in protecting funding for the vitally important work of the UN in FY’23.