The UN is for the U.S., and U.S. lawmakers need to know that Americans are for the UN. Tell your Member of Congress to meet our financial commitments to the UN in FY25.

Tell Congress to Fully Fund the UN
Dear [Elected Official],
Since the U.S. helped establish the United Nations nearly 80 years ago, the UN has been an essential forum for the U.S. to advance our interests, promote our values and help share the load around complex global challenges.
As you know, the House State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Subcommittee (SFOPS) has passed a spending bill that eliminates funding for the UN Regular Budget and zeroes out the entire International Organizations and Programs (IO&P) account. This essential account contains over a dozen UN entities that foster global peace and security, support global health and ensure the U.S. stays engaged in some of the most important debates of our generation. Moreover, the House bill would increase our arrears owed to the UN Peacekeeping Budget, which now exceed $1 billion. These debts shortchange our allies and put our national security at risk.
By not paying our UN dues, the U.S. would lose its voting rights in the General Assembly. I’m among the majority of Americans who believe that would be detrimental to our nation’s position worldwide and have calamitous consequences for our allies. I’m reaching out to urge you to restore sound policy to the appropriations process by restoring full funding for the UN Regular Budget.
At a time when our world is facing unprecedented challenges, we can’t go it alone. I believe you understand the need for U.S. leadership on the world’s biggest stage, and hope Americans can count on you to pass a budget that meets our obligations to the UN.