Newsroom / Funding

President’s FY20 Request Summary

The Trump administration released its Fiscal Year 2020 budget today, including its request for international affairs programs. Like the last two budget requests, the international affairs budget took a major hit: overall, the administration allocated $42.7 billion for the State Department, USAID, and other international affairs programs/agencies, a 24% reduction from FY’19. These cuts hit UN accounts particularly hard: funding for UN peacekeeping operations would be reduced nearly 27% from FY’19 levels; funding for the UN regular budget and the assessed budgets of UN specialized agencies and other international organizations would be cut by more than 25%; and the International Organizations and Programs (IO&P) account, which finances voluntary contributions to the core budgets of a number of UN humanitarian, development, environmental, and human rights entities, was eliminated entirely.

As we have noted following the release of other administration budgets, however, this is far from the end of the story. Congress has the final say over all funding-related decisions, and similar to past years, Members on both sides of the aisle have already made clear their opposition to this request.

Provided below is a summary of how the president’s FY’20 request treats specific UN-related accounts.