Abyei | UNISFA

Sudan has long been plagued by civil war. The largely non-Arab, non-Muslim South, accused the predominately Arab, Muslim North of political and economic exclusion, as well as ethnic and religious discrimination. While a 2011 referendum resulted in the independence of South Sudan, the Abyei area, which lies along the border of Sudan and South Sudan, remains contested. 

The primary objective of United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) is to monitor the border between north and south and facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid. UNISFA is also authorized to use force in protecting civilians and humanitarian workers in Abyei. As the UN Security Council extended the mission’s in 2024, the Council emphasized the importance of UNIFSA’s responsibility to protect civilians from violence. 

How UNISFA Supports U.S. Interests

The resolution to establish UNISFA was drafted and championed by the United States. In the years that followed, the UN’s work in Abyei has remained in U.S. interests.

  • Promotes Regional Stability

    UNISFA supports U.S. national security interests particularly given the instability of the surrounding areas–including the Central African Republic, Darfur, and South Sudan. By working to demilitarize this disputed border region, UNISFA promotes a broader, regional peace between Sudan and South Sudan, and in East Africa as a whole. 

  • Increases Local Collaboration

    The mission works with local communities to strengthen ties, resolve disputes, and increase peace and security. These efforts, including joint foot and vehicle Confidence Building Patrols, play a crucial role in promoting dialogue, nurturing trust, and deterring potential threats to peace in the volatile region.  

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