Newsroom / Funding

Senate Appropriations Committee Fully Funds the UN Regular Budget, Showing Strong Bipartisan Support for the United Nations 



The Senate Committee on Appropriations approved the FY25 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, fully funding the UN regular budget and providing critical humanitarian aid to UN agencies and programs. Overall, the Appropriations Committee provided $61.6 billion for the International Affairs Budget by a vote of 24-5 — a $3.2 billion (5.6%) increase from FY24.

The Committee matched the President’s request of $1.67 billion for the account that funds the UN regular budget. In addition, the Committee approved $474 million in voluntary funding for the core budget of agencies like UNICEF, the UN Environment Programme and the UN Human Rights Office, reflecting an increase over the President’s request.  

“This is good news for America’s global standing,” said Peter Yeo, President of the Better World Campaign. “This bipartisan bill — approved with strong support from both parties — preserves U.S. leadership at a time when our global competitors and adversaries hoped we’d stand down.”   

“This is good news for America’s global standing.”

Peter Yeo, President of the Better World Campaign

The bill also provides $9.7 billion for USAID global health programs, including $300 million for Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and $85 million for polio eradication. In addition, Senator Jeanne Shaheen once again successfully led a bipartisan amendment to increase funding for international family planning and UNFPA — the UN’s Population Fund — to $635 million. 

While UN Peacekeeping Operations were funded at a level comparable to last year, a Congressionally imposed cap of 25% prevents the U.S. from paying at our assessed rate of 26.9%, thus contributing to more than $1 billion in arrears.   

 “The Senate has shown what bipartisan leadership looks like,” Yeo said. “Thanks to Subcommittee Chairman Chris Coons and Ranking Member Lindsey Graham, full Committee Chair Patty Murray and Vice Chair Susan Collins, as well as Members of the State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Subcommittee, America stands to benefit as a result of this bill.”

Media Contact:

Kathryn Kross | | 202-862-8577