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New Poll: U.S. Support for the UN Hits 10-Year High as the Nominee for U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Heads to Capitol Hill


Washington, D.C. (June 18, 2019) – Peter Yeo, President of the Better World Campaign, issued the statement below highlighting new bipartisan poll results on the United Nations:

“As the Senate considers the nomination of Ambassador Kelly Knight Craft to be the next U.S. Permanent Representative at the United Nations, a new bipartisan poll highlights exactly what Americans want to see from the next U.S. Ambassador to the UN: strong U.S. leadership at the UN.

“Should Craft be confirmed, she will start the role with the wind in her sails, with American support for the UN at a 10-year high (68% favorable, 23% unfavorable, 8% neutral). This is true across party lines. Majorities of Republicans (69%), Democrats (96%), and Independents (84%) also say that it is important for the U.S. to maintain an active role in the UN.

“Americans overwhelmingly agree that the UN is a smart investment of taxpayer dollars. Majorities of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents all support the U.S. paying our dues on time and in full – the highest support in almost a decade (72% favor/25% oppose).

“The UN is a complex institution with many competing priorities from Member States. Even when disputes arise or the U.S. does not achieve all its objectives with other countries at the UN, a majority of voters still believe there is greater value in the U.S. remaining engaged. Specifically, nearly six in ten (59%) Americans believe the U.S. should try to find a new diplomatic strategy and new allies to achieve its objectives whereas only two in ten (22%) say the U.S. should leave the negotiating table and go it alone.

“The verdict is clear: No matter what, Americans want the U.S. to remain engaged and continue to fight for our interests at the UN.”

The nationwide poll of 800 registered voters (320 landline/480 cell phone) was conducted June 1-6, 2019 by the bipartisan research team of Public Opinion Strategies and Hart Research Associates with a margin of error of ± 3.46 percent. Full results from the poll, and an executive summary, can be found on the Better World Campaign website:  

About the Better World Campaign

The Better World Campaign, an initiative of the Better World Fund, works to strengthen the relationship between the United States and the United Nations. It encourages U.S. leadership to enhance the UN’s ability to carry out its invaluable international work on behalf of peace, progress, freedom, and justice. For more information, visit

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