Author: Kelli Meyer

Putting Samantha Power at the table...can really transform the way that USAID implements the some of the real hotspots around the...

-- Peter Yeo

Samantha Power, Biden’s Pick for USAID a ‘Respected Voice’ on Humanitarian Issues

The incoming administration must work with Congress to champion reforms and secure U.N. funding that will change the future of the organization...

-- Peter Yeo

A Roadmap to Reconnecting with the United Nations

We are going to have more leverage if we have met our financial commitments and if we are not behind on them.

-- Peter Yeo

With the U.S. Still Owing Nearly $2B, UN Looks at How to Fund 2021

I think another day one action is Paris Climate Accord. We will have missed the deadline, unfortunately, to withdraw...But the U.S. could...

-- Peter Yeo

How Joe Biden Could Restore US Leadership at the United Nations in His First 100 Days