The U.S. and the UN can be allies in the global opioid fight.

-- Jordie Hannum

The US and the UN Can Be Allies in the Global Opioid Fight

Do we only give foreign aid to friends? And how do we define friends?

-- Peter Yeo

Foreign Aid Cuts Expected, Except for ‘Friends’

By supporting UN Peacekeeping efforts, the U.S. saves money and doesn’t have to put its own boots on the ground – it’s...

-- Peter Yeo

Report Highlights Value of UN Peacekeeping Contributions Trump Admin Wants to Cut

The Trump administration has made burden-sharing an essential part of its foreign policy strategy. U.N. peacekeeping operations provide a prime example of...

-- Peter Yeo

The UN Is Reformed and Ready

Ambassador Haley has formed a real partnership for reform with the Secretary General.

-- Peter Yeo

U.N. Budget Cuts Highlight New U.S. Approach